In an effort for guidance, companies thus usually hire a marketing agency to conceptualize their campaign. A media production company or digital agency will then produce and develop what has been conceptualized, while a social media marketing agency is tasked with implementing and maintaining the content.
This constellation presents with a staggering amount of financial and structural inefficiency, as well as huge potential for miscommunication. This stems from the fact that several independent parties are required to seamlessly work together on a project which absolutely mandates coherence and holism. Marketing employees might, for example, conceptualize an image film or a web app with very little knowledge of whether the production and development are even feasible...
...At Fade to Black, conceptualization takes place with production and placement already in mind. The same figurative head that conceptualizes, implements, and maintains is standing on set and writing lines of code. From our experience, this leads not only to an enormous reduction in cost on the client side, but also to increased quality when it comes to the final product. You, as a client, no longer need to communicate your vision to three different stakeholders, who might all come to a slightly different understanding of what you are trying to represent. In the case that you are doing it right now, the resulting product can only be so coherent. Fade to Black is committed to saving our clients time, money, and headaches, as well as ensuring accuracy in the vision they seek to put out into the world. Centered around holism we ensure so, by applying a unique and carefully crafted approach to digital marketing and storytelling. We are ready to help and guide you every step of the way, from jointly analyzing and conceptualizing the story you want to tell, to production, realization and implementation.
A carefree, one-size-fits-all, 360-degree solution to the specific digital marketing demands of your personal venture.